Benefits of Swimming for Health and Pain Relief

Benefits of Swimming for Health and Pain Relief

Do you enjoy swimming? In this heat, it is almost a necessary activity to stay cool! But the benefits of swimming for pain relief and overall health are many, so we wanted to share with you some of our favorite reasons to make this activity a priority this summer (or...
Strengthen Your Back & Reduce Back Pain

Strengthen Your Back & Reduce Back Pain

We have patients come in and complain about their back pain all the time. In fact, it is one of the most common treatments we do around here – and millions of other Americans are dealing with it, too.   It doesn’t take much to tweak your back, and trying to...
Icing Your Injury – Is It the Best Treatment Option?

Icing Your Injury – Is It the Best Treatment Option?

No one enjoys pain, yet it’s something that everyone will experience during their lifetime at one point or another. Hopefully, those times will be few and far between, but it’s good to understand the purpose of pain and what it means. It’s also helpful to know some...